Japanese antique ceramic sake jug or bottle
These jugs were rentals or on loan from the liquor shops for use by "common" people. They were used from Meiji to early Showa period. (Some accounts say late Edo period). They were made all over Japan with the largest production centers in Tanba, Takada and Arita. The Japanese name translates in English to "poor liquor bottle" or "commuter bottle". The name of the shop as well as the name of the liquor it held were usually printed on the bottle.
Jurojin, god of wisdom
In Japan, Jurōjin (寿老人), also known as Gama, is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune or Shichi-fuku-jin, according to Taoist beliefs. He is the God of longevity.

He walks with a staff and a fan. He is depicted as an old man with a long white beard and often a very tall bald head, with a scroll tied to his staff, on which is written the lifespan of all living things. The deer, a symbol of longevity, usually (but not always) accompanies him as a messenger, as do other long-lived animals such as the crane and the tortoise. Jurōjin is often identified with Fukurokuju. The two are said to inhabit the same body.
