English Non-fiction

The Martial Arts: Origins, philosophy, practice - Peter Lewis
He who overcomes others is strong,
He who overcomes himself is mighty.

Fighting is as old as man himself. The martial arts we know today were developed from ancient and bloody war skills. In time, man’s search for deeper meaning led to the development of a higher philosophy of fighting and ultimately the old martial ways became a path too self knowledge.

In this indispensible and encyclopaedic introduction to the world’s martial arts, Peter Lewis lifts the shrouds of mystery and tradition to reveal how and why they developed, their ways and laws, founding myths and heroes.

Everything you need to know about the martial arts from aikido to Zen.

Judo - Eric Dominy
Hard cover - From the Teach Yourself Series.
Judo (柔道 meaning "gentle way") is a modern martial art and combat sport created in Japan in 1882 by Kano Jigoro. Its most prominent feature is its competitive element, where the object is to either throw or takedown one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling maneuver, or force an opponent to submit by joint locking or by executing a strangle hold or choke.
Starting in Taekwondo: Training for Competition and Self-defense - Joe Fox & Art Michaels
Answers all the questions a beginner might ask when starting lessons in Taekwondo. The book starts with preparation, conditioning and weights workout, and includes everything from basic stance, principal kicking techniques, hand punches and blocks, as well as other strategies.
The Complete Tae Kwon Do Hyung, Volume 3 - Hee Il Cho
This volume of books (there's 3 in the set) covers 19 of the 24 patterns of ITF Taekwon-do because Master Cho left the ITF before the other four patterns were developed. So it should cover 20 patterns but 'Kodang Tul' was replaced many years ago, so is no longer relevant (unless you practice it) except maybe from a historical view point. The word 'Hyung' was the old term for describing patterns, what you now know as 'Tul`.The first book covers patterns Chon-Ji to Toi-Gye & the second covers Hwa Rang to some of the black belt patterns. Each volume has over 600 photographs of the various movements contained within the patterns, taking the reader step by step through each pattern. Each photo is accompanied by some text describing the movement pictured. Each pattern is also given its meaning (in English & Korean), its diagram & a short description of what each pattern sets out to achieve.

Capoeira: History, Philosophy, Practice - Bira Almeida
Capoeira weaves fighting, music, dance, prayer, and ritual into an urgent strategy by which people live, struggle, celebrate, and survive together. In this book Bira Almeida--or Mestre Acordeon as he is respectfully called in capoeira circles--documents his own tradition with both the panoramic eye of the historian and the passionate heart of the capoeirista. He transports the reader from the damn of New World history in Brazil to the streets of twentieth-century Bahia (the spiritual home of capoeira) to the giant urban centers of North America (wher capoeira is now spreading in new lineages from the old masters). This book is valuable for anyone interested in ethnocultural traditions, martial arts, and music, as well as for those who want to listen to the words of an actual mestre dedicated to preserving his Afro-Brazilian legacy.
Principles of - Aikido: The only introduction you'll ever need - Paul Wildish
An introduction to this ancient Japanese martial art, which is both a method of self-defence and a spiritual path. The book explains what aikido is, the different traditions and how they are practised, and how aikido can benefit both mental and physical health. Includes an international resource guide, glossary of terms and advice on teachers.